Forces of Nature



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Player Summary

# Player Events Podiums Avg Score Ranking Score
1 Elliot Morrish 7 4 61.10 237.31
2 Kev Honeysett 3 2 58.80 176.40
3 David Shelton 10 1 26.88 137.49
4 Chris Walsh 2 1 43.60 87.20
5 Thibaut Lorimier 1 0 66.67 66.67
6 Rich Blackmore 1 0 45.60 45.60
7 Richard Heath 1 0 42.29 42.29
8 Hal Eccles 2 0 20.80 41.60
9 Skylar Grayson 1 0 39.20 39.20
10 George Kirke 1 0 33.60 33.60
11 Jon Gunns 1 0 29.82 29.82
12 Nick Rowe 2 0 14.12 28.23
13 Alex Hadfield 1 0 25.20 25.20
14 Adam Boam 1 0 12.00 12.00
15 Player 1 0 6.34 6.34
16 James Carpenter 1 0 5.70 5.70
17 James Wicks 1 0 5.60 5.60

All Results

Date Event Player Allies Position Pts Killed % Pts Killed Score List
2016-11-2222nd Nov16 Aire Conflict Elliot Morrish 2 of 14 68.71
2016-11-2222nd Nov16 Aire Conflict Richard Heath 7 of 14 42.29
2017-01-1414th Jan17 AltiBASH 3 Hal Eccles 9 of 16 30.40
2017-07-011st Jul17 AltiBASH IV David Shelton 19 of 22 11.93
2017-09-022nd Sep17 Battle Masters David Shelton 20 of 22 8.95
2017-09-022nd Sep17 Battle Masters Jon Gunns 13 of 22 29.82
2017-10-099th Oct17 Beers Of War 3 Elliot Morrish 3 of 16 53.20
2017-05-2727th May17 ChillCon Player 13 of 14 6.34
2016-12-044th Dec16 Christmas Carnage David Shelton 7 of 14 33.83
2017-03-1111th Mar17 Clash at Kingston Elliot Morrish 1 of 24 67.20
2017-03-1111th Mar17 Clash at Kingston Hal Eccles 21 of 24 11.20
2017-03-1111th Mar17 Clash at Kingston Skylar Grayson 11 of 24 39.20
2017-03-1111th Mar17 Clash at Kingston Alex Hadfield 16 of 24 25.20
2017-10-2929th Oct17 Clash of Kings Elliot Morrish 11 of 84 88.10
2017-10-2929th Oct17 Clash of Kings David Shelton 61 of 84 28.57
2017-10-2929th Oct17 Clash of Kings Thibaut Lorimier 29 of 84 66.67
2017-06-1717th Jun17 Destruction of Time David Shelton 5 of 10 33.60
2017-10-2121st Oct17 Empire in Flames Chris Walsh 6 of 10 28.00
2017-10-2121st Oct17 Empire in Flames David Shelton 1 of 10 56.00
2017-05-066th May17 Fight for the King David Shelton 5 of 14 42.29
2017-04-022nd Apr17 Fools of War Kev Honeysett 13 of 24 42.00
2017-04-022nd Apr17 Fools of War Elliot Morrish 2 of 24 80.50
2017-05-2121st May17 Giants of War Rich Blackmore 5 of 16 45.60
2017-01-1414th Jan17 King in the North James Carpenter 15 of 16 5.70
2017-02-2626th Feb17 Leodis Bash Kev Honeysett 1 of 18 62.40
2017-02-2626th Feb17 Leodis Bash Elliot Morrish 4 of 18 52.00
2017-08-1919th Aug17 Surge of War David Shelton 11 of 24 39.20
2017-08-1919th Aug17 Surge of War James Wicks 23 of 24 5.60
2017-09-2424th Sep17 Tides of War 7 - The Edge of The Abyss George Kirke 5 of 10 33.60
2016-12-044th Dec16 Times of War Kev Honeysett 1 of 12 72.00
2016-12-044th Dec16 Times of War David Shelton 12 of 12 6.00
2016-12-044th Dec16 Times of War Nick Rowe 9 of 12 24.00
2016-12-044th Dec16 Times of War Adam Boam 11 of 12 12.00
2017-01-2828th Jan17 Woodland Realm Chris Walsh 1 of 14 59.20
2017-01-2828th Jan17 Woodland Realm David Shelton 13 of 14 8.46
2017-01-2828th Jan17 Woodland Realm Nick Rowe 14 of 14 4.23
2017-08-1212th Aug17 Yorkie Tournament Elliot Morrish 8 of 12 18.00