


Click here for a full explanation of the ranking calculations.

Player Summary

# Player Events Podiums Avg Score Ranking Score
1 Carl Newbould 6 2 41.48 155.43
2 Richard Miller 2 0 50.18 100.35
3 Garry Sharp 2 0 45.87 91.73
4 Keiron Allison 3 0 27.75 83.25
5 Chris Lewis 1 0 38.10 38.10
6 George Kirke 1 0 33.83 33.83
7 David Tyrell 1 0 30.80 30.80
8 James Moore 1 0 24.27 24.27
9 Toby Payne 1 0 20.24 20.24
10 Andy Ransome 1 0 17.89 17.89
11 Chris Morris 1 0 16.00 16.00
12 Matt Gilbert 1 0 11.93 11.93
13 Richard Middleshaw 1 0 3.80 3.80
14 Keiran Lambert 1 0 0.00 0.00

All Results

Date Event Player Allies Position Pts Killed % Pts Killed Score List
2016-11-2222nd Nov16 Aire Conflict Carl Newbould 3 of 14 63.43
2017-01-1414th Jan17 AltiBASH 3 Richard Middleshaw 16 of 16 3.80
2017-07-011st Jul17 AltiBASH IV Andy Ransome 17 of 22 17.89
2017-09-022nd Sep17 Battle Masters Matt Gilbert 19 of 22 11.93
2017-10-099th Oct17 Beers Of War 3 Carl Newbould 9 of 16 30.40
2017-05-2727th May17 ChillCon Carl Newbould 5 of 14 31.71
2017-05-2727th May17 ChillCon Keiron Allison 6 of 14 28.54
2017-03-1111th Mar17 Clash at Kingston Carl Newbould 5 of 24 56.00
2017-03-2525th Mar17 Clash of Clans Garry Sharp 5 of 22 53.67
2017-03-2525th Mar17 Clash of Clans Keiron Allison 7 of 22 47.71
2017-10-2929th Oct17 Clash of Kings Chris Lewis 53 of 84 38.10
2017-10-2929th Oct17 Clash of Kings Richard Miller 24 of 84 72.62
2017-10-2929th Oct17 Clash of Kings Toby Payne 68 of 84 20.24
2017-05-066th May17 Fight for the King Garry Sharp 6 of 14 38.06
2017-04-022nd Apr17 Fools of War Keiron Allison 23 of 24 7.00
2017-01-1414th Jan17 King in the North Carl Newbould 6 of 16 31.35
2017-02-2626th Feb17 Leodis Bash Richard Miller 11 of 18 27.73
2017-02-2626th Feb17 Leodis Bash James Moore 12 of 18 24.27
2017-01-2222nd Jan17 Masters Keiran Lambert 8 of 16 0.00
2017-07-088th Jul17 South West Clash Chris Morris 17 of 20 16.00
2017-08-1919th Aug17 Surge of War David Tyrell 14 of 24 30.80
2017-02-1212th Feb17 Tides of War Winter George Kirke 7 of 14 33.83
2017-08-1212th Aug17 Yorkie Tournament Carl Newbould 3 of 12 36.00